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Version: 1.4.0


This class offers a set of methods that can be used to manage the pricing configuration without manually modifying the YAML file. It can be used to retrieve, add, remove or modify plans and features.

To use this class, it must be injected in any bean using @Autowired. Once declared, the methods can be used to manage the pricing configuration.

import io.github.isagroup.PricingService;

public class MyComponent {

private PricingService pricingService;

public Map<String, Plan> getPricingPlans() {
Map<String, Plan> plans = pricingService.getPricingPlans();
return plans;

Complete List of Supported Methods

Map<String, Feature> getPricingFeatures()Returns the features defined in the pricing configuration.
Map<String, UsageLimit> getPricingUsageLimits()Returns the usage limits defined in the pricing configuration.
Map<String, Plan> getPricingPlans()Returns the plans defined in the pricing configuration.
Map<String, AddOn> getPricingAddOns()Returns the add-ons defined in the pricing configuration.
Plan getPlanFromName(String planName)Returns the plan of the configuration that matchs the given name.
void addFeatureToConfiguration(String name, Feature feature)Creates a new global feature in the pricing configuration and adds it to all the plans using its default value.
void addUsageLimitToConfiguration(UsageLimit usageLimit)Creates a new global usageLimit in the pricing configuration and adds it to all the plans using its default value.
void addPlanToConfiguration(String name, Plan plan)Adds a new plan to the current pricing configuration.
void addAddOnToConfiguration(AddOn addOn)Adds a new add on to the current pricing configuration.
void updateFeatureFromConfiguration(String previousName, Feature feature)Updates a feature in the pricing configuration.
void updateUsageLimitFromConfiguration(String previousUsageLimitName, UsageLimit usageLimit)Update an existing usage limit in the pricing configuration.
void updatePlanFromConfiguration(String previousName, Plan plan)Updates a plan in the pricing configuration.
void updateAddOnFromConfiguration(String previousName, AddOn addOn)Updates an add on of the pricing configuration.configuration.
void removeFeatureFromConfiguration(String name)Removes a feature from the pricing configuration. In order to do that, it must exist in the PricingContext that is being used. The method also removes the feature from all the plans that include it.
void` removeUsageLimitFromConfiguration(String name)Deletes an usage limit from the configuration.
void removePlanFromConfiguration(String name)Removes a plan from the pricing configuration. In order to do that, it must exist in the PricingContext that is being used.
void removeAddOnFromConfiguration(String addOnName)Deletes an add on from the configuration.

As any other spring service, to use this class it must be injected in any bean using @Autowired. Once declared, the methods can be used to manage the pricing configuration.