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Version: 1.4.0

Binary Operators

The package also provides a set of binary operators that can be used to combine the evaluation of different features. The operators are:

  • and: Returns true if the features are evaluated to true.
  • or: Returns true if at least one of the features is evaluated to true.
  • iff: Returns true if the features' evaluation is the same (in type and value).
  • implies: Returns true if the logical implication between features is correct. Given two features: A and B, on which A implies B; if feature A is true, B must be. false will be returned if not.

The usage of the operators is as follows:

<On expression={and(feature("feature1"), feature("feature2"))}>
<p>Feature 1 and feature 2 are enabled</p>
<On expression={or(feature("feature1"), feature("feature2"))}>
<p>Feature 1 or feature 2 are enabled</p>
<On expression={iff(feature("feature1"), feature("feature2"))}>
<p>Feature 1 has the same evaluation as feature 2</p>
<On expression={implies(feature("feature1"), feature("feature2"))}>
<p>Because Feature 1 is enabled, feature 2 must be</p>