This class contains two static methods that can be used to parse the YAML specification of a pricing in the Yaml4SaaS syntax to a PricingManager object and vice versa. To extract the information of the YAML file:
import io.github.isagroup.models.PricingManager;
import io.github.isagroup.services.yaml.YamlUtils;
public class MyComponent {
public String myMethod() {
PricingManager pricingManager = YamlUtils.retrieveManagerFromYaml("pricing/pricing.yml");
And to write the information of a PricingManager object into the YAML file:
import io.github.isagroup.models.PricingManager;
import io.github.isagroup.services.yaml.YamlUtils;
public class MyComponent {
public String myMethod() {
PricingManager pricingManager = new PricingManager(); // This should be your dynamically retrieved pricingManager object
YamlUtils.writeYaml(pricingManager, "pricing/pricing.yml");