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Version: 2.0.0

The useGenericFeature Hook

This hook is an alternative to the Feature component. It also allows to show or hide UI components depending on the evaluation of a feature. But, you may be wondering, why would you use this hook instead of Feature?

Well, the main difference is that the useGenericFeature hook does not introduce any compontent within your React's virtual-dom tree, which can be convenient in some complex rendering cases.

For example, the react-router-dom library forces Routes component to only have Route components as children. So, if you want to conditionally render a Route based on the feature evaluation of each user in order to forbid the access to such route, using this approach will simplify the logic.

How to use it

The useGenericFeature hook receives an object with the following properties:

  • on: An array of objects that represent the feature evaluation. Each object must have the following properties:

    • expression: A boolean condition or a function that returns a boolean. This function will be evaluated to determine if the feature is enabled or not.

      If you want to evaluate a pricing-driven feature, you can use the feature function, like in the Feature component.

    • on: The JSX element that will be rendered if the feature is enabled.
  • default: The JSX element that will render its children if the evaluation of the feature performed in on attribute is false.

  • loading: The JSX element that will render its children while the evaluation of the feature is being performed.

  • error: The JSX element that will render its children if an error occurs while the evaluation of the feature is being


The on attribute is required to use the useGenericFeature hook.


In this example, we are using the useGenericFeature hook to conditionally render some routes based on the evaluation of the consultations feature.

const ownerOnlineConsultations = useGenericFeature({
on: [
expression: feature("consultations"),
on: (
<Route path="/consultations" exact={true} element={<ConsultationList />} />
<Route path="/consultations/:consultationId" exact={true} element={<ConsultationEdit />} />
<Route path="/consultations/:consultationId/tickets" exact={true} element={<ConsultationTickets />} />
default: <Route path="/consultations" element={<Redirect to="/not-found" />} />,
loading: <Route path="/consultations" element={<Loading />} />,
error: <Route path="/consultations" element={<Error />} />,