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Version: 2.0.0

Feature Evaluation

Since the primary goal of the Pricing4Java is to automatically manage the access of an user to a feature, Yaml4SaaS allows to define an evaluation expression within each feature through the expression and serverExpression fields.

The expression field must contain a string SPEL expression that will be used to evaluate wether the feature is available for an user or not. It can access the data of the user context using the userContext variable, while the plan's is available through planContext.For example, considering a user context that contains the following information:

"username": "John",
"feature1use": 2

If we want to check if the use of the feature exceeds its limit, the SPEL expression should be:

# ...
# ...
expression: userContext['cloudStorageUse'] <= planContext['features']['cloudStorage']
# ...

As the planContext utilized within the expression repressents as a map the current plan of the user, you should be aware of using either features or usageLimits to access the atribute you want to evaluate. The features key will the value/defaultValue of the feature with the given key, while usageLimits will return the equivalent of a declared usageLimit.

Similarly, the serverExpresion field can handle expressions with the same syntax, but its specification will only be used to evaluate the system's consistency using @PricingPlanAware annotation. This use can be interesting on NUMERIC features, let's see an example.

If we have a button on the UI to add items to a list, it should be only available while the amount of products is under the feature limit, so when it is reached, the button disapears. The expression that models this behaviour will be the following:

# ...
# ...
expression: userContext['feature1use'] < planContext['feature1']
# ...

However, on the server side, we should consider that the application has a valid state if the limit is not exceeded, which is evaluated with the following expression:

# ...
# ...
expression: userContext['feature1use'] <= planContext['feature1']
# ...

To handle this type of situations, the use of the field serverExpression is necessary, as its expression will be used to evaluate the feature on the server side (when using @PricingPlanAware annotation). If serverEspression is not defined, the expression will be used instead on any evaluation context. The snippet below shows how to define the situation described above:

# ...
# ...
expression: userContext['feature1use'] < planContext['feature1']
serverExpression: userContext['feature1use'] <= planContext['feature1']
# ...