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Version: 1.4.0


This abstract class models the information of a feature.

public abstract class Feature implements Serializable {
protected String name;
protected String description;
protected ValueType valueType;
protected Object defaultValue;
protected transient Object value;
protected String expression;
protected String serverExpression;

// Getters and setters...

// Extra methods

The class also contains a set of extra methods that can be used to prepare the object to be written inside a plan in the YAML file by removing the setting the value of all the attributes to null, except value. However, one of them can be useful: featureAttributesMap, as it returns a Map<String,Object> with the attributes of the feature and their values.

Each feature type supported by Yaml4SaaS is represented by a class that extends this abstract one. The following list shows the classes that extend Feature:

  • Information
  • Integration
  • Domain
  • Automation
  • Management
  • Guarantee
  • Support
  • Payment

Each of these objects contains the specific attributes of the feature type, such as integrationType in the Integration feature class, automationType in the Automation class, etc.